Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 6: The Final Trials Before Battle Stations

This will be the last full week that I cover with possibly a summary post to come in another post. I am not allowed to talk about any of the events that occur at Battle Stations 21 to any person who has not undertaken the task yet.

All 5 days will have a test. This is a potentially stressful week especially for the people who have worried about that ever-important run in the PFA. I will list the tests now.

Final Comprehensive Test: This will be the last computer based test of 50 questions summarizing what you learned in Firefighting. This is strictly all forms of damage control. Make sure that you have payed attention in the weeks prior. This was was worst test. I believe I scored a 4.4 so that means I missed 6 questions. Not bad, but if you pay attention during the classes, you can do better than that mark.

Drill Inspection 2: This will be the same inspection as the one in week 4. You will form up as a division, march to the drill hall, and go through the tape that you have practiced for weeks.

Final PFA: This is the last of 3 PFA's and a must-pass for anyoone who wants to have a chance to become a US Navy Sailor. I ran my best time of 11:20 (I hate running haha) so I was pretty stoked to know that I got through the most mentally blocking part of my boot camp: worrying about passing the PFA. If you do fail any of the parts of it, you will have a chance to redo it until Battle Stations. Just remember to get your practice running before boot camp.

Static Zone Inspection: This is the zone inspection that no one knows is coming. I was lucky enough to record the hits that the FQA Chief was pointing out. I was even awarded a Bravo Zulu chit for it though it didn't matter much. Make sure to have your gear stowed correctly for one last time with nothing hanging out, and the RDC's should be more lenient on your racks if you do well.

Uniform Inspection (WARNING: DUE TO UNIFORM CHANGES, THIS WILL BE A BIT DIFFERENT): Our division was split up into 4 sections with each section wearing a different uniform: dress whites, dress blues, working whites (obsolete), and working blues (obsolete). You have a certain amount of time to prepair again, and are read one last question that pertains to BMR, chain of command, 11 general orders, etc.

You have completed week 6! Once again...I can't tell anyone who hasn't done Battle Stations 21 about the aforementioned subject. I am legally bound so I am not giving anything away. It is for you, the aspiring sailor, to find out. I have done what I can to give you a head start. It's up to you to decide that you want to serve your country that bad enough.

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